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This package contains two little helper functions to work with the prototype chain of an object or a class.


Just use the functions below as if you would reduce any other iterable, with the only exception, that a fourh parameter sets a constructor which stops the iteration if it's prototype occurs.

import { reducePrototypeChain, reduceInheritanceChain } from "reduce-prototype"

class A {
    test() {}

class B {
    test2() {}

class C extends A {
    test3() {}

const instance = new C();

// now we have the methods test, test2 and test3 in our array
const allMethods = reducePrototypeChain(instance, (dest, proto) => dest.concat(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto)), [])
    .filter(key => instance[key] instanceof Function)
    .map(key => instance[key]);

// now we have the methods test2 and test3 in our array
const bAndCMethods = reduceInheritanceChain(C, (dest, proto) => dest.concat(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto)), [], A)
    .filter(key => instance[key] instanceof Function)
    .map(key => instance[key])


You can test reducePrototype with mocha by executing make test in the root directory of the project.


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